Mind Body Being

Maximize Summer Enjoy Life & Your Relationships To The Fullest! 

Upgrade your inner world to experience maximum benefit in your outer world

THIS IS YOUR SOUL'S CALL TO... Check back in, course correct, strengthen your foundation, amplify your intentions, and get the most out of the rest of summer!

With all the excitement and the vibrant energy summer brings, I’m sure you would like to enjoy it to the fullest. I want that for you too! Take a moment, take a deep breath, drop into your heart and check in...

  • Would you like even better results in your life and relationships as you deepen your appreciation for all that is? 
  • Do you wish you had someone you could talk to that would tell it like it is and support you to be your best self?
  • Have you been feeling like you’re not where you would like to be, even though you feel blessed on many levels? 


No matter how far along you are on your personal growth journey, you can always benefit from having a personal coach to keep you on track, inspire you to use your tools, and live your best life in alignment with your hopes, dreams and desires. 

As your Coach and Spiritual Guide, I am super passionate about the integration and embodiment phase of transformation because knowing better is simply not enough to do better. As you've probably heard me say in the world of inner-work, awareness is 70% of transformation and the final 30% is where you upgrade programs and create a new reality for yourself. 

That last 30% requries massive grit and further commitment which is where most people fall short and then they wonder why they end up in the same or similar situation again.

Even with the best of intentions, it’s easy to get sucked back into old patterns of behavior and reactivity, especially when life gets stressful!  

The old patterns have more pull (think about how deep those neural pathways must be in the brain from a lifetime of using them!) and until you've made it a priority to upgrade and reprogram those pathways, your old, default ways of thinking and behaving will slowly creep back in. 

The time is NOW to get back on track, reboot your life and relationships, and get the support you need to create lasting change. 


To get the most out of your inner-work, you want to: 

  • Keep what you’ve learned top of mind by engaging in conversations around your inner work 
  • Re-read your session notes and journal entries of the breakthroughs and soul lessons you've learned 
  • Use positive affirmations as mantras for success and always be searching for things to appreciate
  • Continue to learn through further reading and listening to inspiring podcasts
  • Remain open to the opportunity for growth in every situation by asking powerful questions of self-inquiry 
  • And most importantly, stay invested in ongoing inner work to help you get the most of this one life!  

Staying engaged and continuing to have ongoing support until your new way of being becomes your new default is key to creating lasting positive change.  

Keep in mind, inner-work is not a straight path, it's more like a rollercostar where you get better and better at navigating the ups and downs as you go. 

With greater self-awareness and a fierce commitment to using your tools, you learn to ride the waves of life with greater ease and grace. You welcome the struggle and lean into discomfort because you know deep down that there is gold waiting for you on the other side. 

Living a life (and being in relationships) you absolutely love is possible and no matter where you are on your journey, there is always room for growth, healing and evolution as you peel back the layers blocking your soul's truth, light, wisdom and love. 


  • You would like to show up differently in certain areas but haven’t managed to change?
  • There is a pattern you're ready to break or new habit you want to form that would be a game-changer for you, but you need help breaking through resistance?
  • There are aspects of your relationships you could use some insight, guidance and direction around?
  • A part in you is seeking greater clarity and confidence in how to move forward?
  • There is something you're doing in the now that is in direct contradiction with what you truly want?
  • Just how helpful it would be to have someone again to share what's in your heart and provide you with real time feedback?  

How would it feel if you got clarity and the guidance you're seeking, had another massive upleveling breakthrough and finally MASTERED the areas that keep eluding you? How differently would you finish up the summer or even the rest of the year with this high level of support? 

You already know first hand the power of this work, and I am committed to making sure you get the support you need to forge ahead even more empowered and free. Which is why I created this incredibly generous offer for you to reboot and dive back in! (Well, the truth is, I created it because I was guided by Spirit to do so!)  

My big why is that I truly believe inner-work and healing is key to creating a better future for us all. Imagine how different this world would be if everyone had access to inner-work to heal their past, reclaim their light, live their truth and be empowered in love...  


This truly is the path of the Heart Warrior, thank you for having the courage to face your fears, get honest with yourself, and go deep into healing and forgiveness. For, as you heal yourself, you heal the world. Thank you for being an integral part of 'The Team' in healing humanity. 

The path of inner work is an empowering process of self discovery and awareness where you get to uncover, unravel and undo the stories of your life to create a new, authentic and deeply aligned vision where you are grounded in the truth of who you are and what you desire.  

You get to take your power back, take radical responsibility for yourself and how you feel, and you get to be vulnerable, authentic and honest which is one of greatest strengths we can exhibit as human beings.  

I want to invite you to take advantage of this incredible Summer offer and receive one-on-one coaching with me at a massively discounted rate! 

Another thing Spirit guided me to do was to create new coaching packages at a lower price point in order to make this work more accessible to more people who need it. I also have new, hourly drop-in rates for return clients who want one-off sessions to check back in. Those check in session rates start September 1st, 2018 after this offer is up and the new programs for new clients are already up and ready to go. Stay tuned for more information about these excited updates to my offerings! 

Get in now during the month of August and book your reboot session for just $111 before the new rates go live September 1st. 

*Special Offer fine print: this offer is valid for one session only during the month of August. The session must be booked, paid for and used during the month of August, 2018. Any sessions purchased and not used are no longer valid starting September 1st, 2018 at which time Heather's new hourly rates will apply.